For those who want to realize dreams and paint an icon, make an oil painting or make an graphic art, I offer unique classes for children and adults!
- Classes take place at my studio in Jurmala, Ķemeri.
- Lesson languages: Latvian, Russian, English.
- Payment procedure: cash with receipt or bank transfer.
- Under each section you will find information about the specific classes, as well as a photo of my students' works!
- You can find me also at the Jurmala Craft (Jūrmalas amatnīca) - "Workshop"(Darbnīcas) section. Look: HERE!
- Iconography, graphic and oil painting classes, master-classes, contests since 2013!
- Click on each box to see the full images!
Individual lesson - 12.05.2024.
oil painting classes for school-age children
oil painting classes for adults
graphic for children
graphic art master-classes for children
graphic art master-class for adults
icon painting for children
icon painting for adults
visual art contest for children 2019
visual art contest for children 2018