Bērnu slimnīcas fonds un НДСЛ Охматдит Sixth psychological support camp "STRONGER TOGETHER" for Ukrainian children and their mothers

  • 20.05.2024.
  • With great excitement, I led an art therapy session for Ukrainian children. We printed with the big stone, painted on our faces, jumped and I got so many colorful handprints on my Mickey Mouse shirt!
  • I am so happy that I, as Latvian, can contribute my small part to supporting the people of Ukraine, who are fighting for their country, providing a moment of joy and escaping for the children and parents, seeing that the children momentarily forget all the hardships  and laugh until tears.
  • That is the power of art!
  • Warm thanks to my colleague, brilliant artist Ieva Caruka for the invitation.
  • Facebook: НДСЛ Охматдит