Once upon a time someone asked me, why art?
I record time, ask questions, look for answers, get angry, rejoice, grieve, wander, climb my endless mountain. Where do we come from and where are we going? The Eternal Question...
In my search for an answer, I descended into the deepest and darkest depths of my soul, seeing what I would not want to see. But, there it is... I flew as high as my mind could. It all stays in my art like a footprint.
Every time I paint Angels, they are different. I try to imagine what they might be, what is the Divine world? Every time I paint Our Lady, I think with what glance She would look at me? And every time this look is different.
Any painting is just one, another step on my personal mountain. I do not know where the tip of the head is, but I keep climbing, keep searching...
I am the discoverer. I realize my ideas in various art formats in order to search for answers.
I have walked away from the art world many times, and still returned back. So, I can say - no one can run away from his destiny. Somehow it comes in your life, sooner or later...
I live by the Baltic Sea. Wind, sea, freedom and my garden, work the land - all this inspires me to create my art!
- I am a full time artist and invite You to take a look into the place where I work - in my studio! And the sea, sea, deep blue sea........
- I am happy that I can dive into the wonderful world of music, which gives me so many emotions! 2024 VIDEO!
- Click on each box to see the full image!
I was a foto model for the artist Irina Tīre
May, 2023
I work as an art teacher - this is my class and me:) February, 2023
From the life of my teacher-I was a hedgehog in the Christmas performance! December 2022
My beloved garden!
The Baltic Sea and my eldest son with our mister Riko!